
An app that encourages the exploration of historical movements and places in your area. Wonderpass won Honorable Mention (top 20 out of 170+ teams) at the College + MTV Adobe Creative Jam.
UI/UX Designer
Adobe XD
Adobe Illustrator
Three days
Mina Chung, Hannah Hong
"Your challenge is to design a mobile app that empowers an individual to encourage advocacy among their network by sharing. Tie the sharing to a cultural event or historic movement important to them and give them tools encouraging donations, volunteerism, and action."
Before doing anything, we brainstormed the main features we wanted to incorporate:
  • visual identity: a passport with animated tabs
  • recommends places in your area that relate to a certain historical movement or cultural events
  • provides trails/paths in nearby areas to go on
  • can get stamps or badges (displayed on profile) after completing trails, taking quizzes, etc which could be traded for donations to charities
  • can post, learn about credible organizations/donation centers, and find educational materials in each movement
  • take quizzes after watching documentaries, reading books, educating, etc
In order to uplift the idea of exploration, we took inspirations from travel documents and other travel applications to achieve a similar aesthetic.
We chose the name "Wonderpass" to encompass the theme of exploration. The main goal of our app is to allow people to have an all-in-one resource to explore cultural movements and events, with a focus on allowing the user to interact with the very movements they are interested in.

The biggest feature on the app is the Trail feature, where users can visit places of historical significance to earn stamps on their passport. We thought this experience was similar to a traveler learning about the world, and decided to work off the idea of a passport to enhance the learning journey.
Visual Identity

We chose three colors for our color palette. The purple and yellow are the primary colors, and the pink is an accent color. We created the palette based on real U.S passports, and went for deeper tones to have a more mature feel.

WonderPass is an app aimed towards young adults that encourages exploration of historical movements by earning stamps attending events, donating to organizations, educating through movies and books, and completing trails, which are curated pathways that pinpoint historical landmarks, museums, or cultural hotspots. Once users collect stamps, they are able to trade them for monetary value to be donated to a charity of their choice (listed on the app). We created this as an incentive for people to take action while having fun doing so. They can watch documentaries with their friends, complete trails with their family, eat at small businesses, and donate money to charity as a result. The whole visual design was based on a passport. We wanted the design to be fun, interactive, and unique, so that users could feel as if they are actually going all over the world to educate themselves on important topics.

View it here:
The Final Design
My partner and I only had three days to work on this project, so we unfortunately did not have much time to iterate on our designs. If I could go back in time, I would create more seamless and consistent transitions between frames, use a thicker font (and make subtexts bigger!), and create more consistent buttons.
Lessons Learned